Why You Need Polarized Baby Sunglasses.

by Stephen Brown

The importance of baby sunglasses

Protecting your child's eyes is important. And that's why you should invest in a pair of polarized baby sunglasses for your child. The sun is out in full force, meaning that our babies are in need of some protection. Did you know that wearing polarized baby sunglasses can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration? Studies show that children who spend time outside during the summer without wearing polarized lenses are up to five times more likely to develop macular degeneration later in life. Besides preventing vision problems, polarized baby sunglasses also protect against the harmful UV rays emitted by the sun. This type of lens blocks about 99% of these harmful rays. All this to say, it's important to protect your little ones with polarized baby sunglasses this summer.

What are polarized lenses?

Polarized lenses are lenses that have a protective layer of polarized material. This layer blocks out the UV rays from the sun and helps provide safety for your baby's eyes. They also reduce glare which can be an annoyance for babies and toddlers.

How can polarized lenses help protect your child's vision?

According to research, children who spend time outside during the summer without wearing polarized lenses are up to five times more likely to develop macular degeneration later in life. The UV rays emitted by the sun can cause irreversible damage to your child's vision. Polarized lenses block about 99% of these harmful rays, so you can keep your little one out of harm's way this summer!

How can polarized lenses protect against the sun's rays?

The sun’s rays can cause serious damage to your little one's eyes. This is because there are two types of ultraviolet (UV) rays. One type, UVA, only penetrates the outer layer of the eye and can cause cataracts and macular degeneration. The other type, UVB, penetrates deeper into the eye and can cause sunburns that lead to cancerous tumors in the retina.

Polarized baby sunglasses block out 99% of these harmful UVB rays while letting in the protective UVA light. The lenses also help reduce glare and provide protection from all angles so you don't have to worry about your child's eyes no matter which direction they're looking in.

Why are some polarized lenses better than others?

The polarized lenses found in many sunglasses are designed to reduce the amount of sunlight that reaches your eyes. Polarized lenses come in different grades, so it's important to know how each type protects your eyes.

The most common type of polarized lens is the single-layer or simple polarizer. This type of lens doesn't offer any UV protection, but it blocks glare from the sun and improves color clarity. If you're only looking for a lens that will block glare from the sun, this is a great option.

A second type of polarized lenses are multi-coated or multilayer polarized lenses. These types of lenses are also good at blocking glare from the sun, but they also provide UV protection by reducing up to 99% of ultraviolet radiation. They come in both single-lens and lens combinations like sunglasses and prescription glasses.

The final type of polarized lens is photochromic polarized lenses. These types of lenses are made up to change with the amount of light present outside. When they encounter bright light, they darken quickly for better protection against UV rays and visible light; when they encounter shaded areas, they clear quickly for better visibility. For best results, pair these with some protective eyewear like sunglasses for complete coverage under all conditions!

Why are some polarized lenses more expensive than others?

Polarized lenses come in all shapes and sizes.  Brands like Oakley and Ray-Ban offer polarized lenses that are typically considered designer sunglasses. These brands will typically cost between $150 to $400. They're undeniably stylish and highly effective in blocking UV rays and reducing glare but not necessarily any more effective than cheaper ones.


When it comes to your child’s health and vision, you want to make sure you’ve done everything you can to protect them. Polarized Baby Sunglasses are a great way to go because they help protect your baby’s vision. You’ll also find polarized lenses in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.